Church of England School of the Resurrection

Games to support children’s Learning

Games support the development of many of the skills that are important in learning for example the building of attention and concentration skills, resistance and often memory. Board games played as a group however small do much to develop life skills such as the ability to take turns, to win or lose graciously and to relax as part of a group.

Many commercial games can be modified to support specific learning.

Developing listening skills

Taking simple messages for an adult can be a really useful way of boosting a child's self esteem and in developing their listening and memory skills. Start with just a simple sentence gradually increasing the number of words. Look for accuracy rather than just the conveying the meaning. At first give a note with some key words to prompt.

Chinese whispers

Passing a clapped pattern

Guess the tune from clapped pattern

Memory Development

I had a basket and in my basket I had ………. have it in turns to add an item but all the previous items must be said in order too!

I went to the moon and I took-------

Lotto games

Kim’s game

Supporting Coordination

Many of these activities also support the development of handwriting skills.

Marbles/ skittles/bowling

Throwing and catching- use both hands independently and together

Turning a skipping rope

Using modeling materials



Threading/ weaving/ sewing

Junk modeling


Supporting Language

I spy ----- beginning with/ ending with/ coloured/larger than

How many things can you see starting with----

How many words can you think of that begin with/ describe/mean the same as-     in one minute.

Pass a rhyming word  (Play as a pair or group one person start and the next to give a different word, see how may can be through of)

Read Labels and Posters

How many _______  (select key word spellings to scan for) can you colour on the page of the newspaper.

Commercial board games can be used by asking the child to read or spell a word on a flashcard before they move their counter.  


Supporting Mathematics

Use two or more dice to practice + - x.

Add the numbers on car number plates.

Collect numbers on car number plates and arrange them in order of size

On a journey – first to spot a number greater than ------

Notice and discuss prices, ask the child to find an item on the shelf and to tell you the cost. Which is the best buy?

Notice and talk about numbers on houses and buses.