Church of England School of the Resurrection

Please click here to see the Ofsted 'School Data Dashboard', which gives information about the performance of our school, and how we compare with others nationally.

2019 Assessments and Outcomes


KS2 SATs Context

The Year 6 class of 2018-2019 consisted of 29 children.

Of these 29 children who took the SAT,  we have applied for 1 child to be dis-applied as they arrived in April from abroad and did not have English as their first language.

The class had 2 teachers and a teaching assistant to provide the support needed throughout the year.

All children worked hard all year and many made significant progress either academically or behaviour wise or both and, as a school, we are very proud of the effort that every pupil made.


KS2 SATs Outcomes

75% of pupils achieved the required standard in reading (National was 73%) with 28% achieving Greater Depth. 

86% of pupils achieved the required standard in Maths (National was 79%) with 31% achieving Greater Depth.

86% of pupils achieved the required standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (National was 78%) with 41% achieving Greater Depth. 

75% of pupils achieved the required standard in Writing (National was 78%) with 14% achieving Greater Depth.

68% of pupils achieved the required standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (National was 65%)with 3% achieving Greater Depth. 

The pupils average scaled scores were-

Reading 103 (National average was 104)

Maths 106 (National average was 105)

Grammar 107 (National average was 106)

Progress scores from KS1 to KS2-

Reading     -1.12

Writing      -2.29

Maths        0.29

Schools official data and school’s performance tables will be published by the DFE between October and December 2019.

(Once it has been confirmed that the child that we have applied to be dis-applied, has been taken off the data- some of the data will change.)


KS1 SATs Outcomes

All children worked very hard during the year and the results were moderated by outside agencies and levels were agreed.

64% of children achieved the required standard in Reading.

68% of children achieved the required standard in Maths.

61% of children achieved the required standard in Writing.

Year 1 Phonics

80% of children achieved the required standard in their Phonics screening check.



66% of children achieved GLD (Good Levels of Development) at the end of Reception.