School Governors
School Governors play a vital role in supporting the school They meet at least once a term as a full Governing Body and at other times on sub-committees. Governors are appointed for a period of four years. Governors may be contacted by letter through the school office or by sending an email to with the subject line For the Attention of the Governors.
Headteacher - Mr Elswood
Deputy Headteacher- Mrs Glynn (Staff Governor)
School Business Manager - Mrs P Dee attends as an observer
Chair of Governors is Father Christopher Moore (Foundation Governor)
Vice Chair of Governors is Moji Greenwell (LA Governor)
Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese and then the Governing Body.
Foundation Governors
Father Christopher Moore was appointed as a Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors was appointed as a Chair of the Resources committee and Foundation Governor on 13th September 2022 he was then appointed as Chair of Governors 13th March 2024
Mr Babatunde Sekoni was appointed as a Foundation Governor
Parent Governors
Mrs Bukky Balogun was appointed 01.03.21 and will serve until 28.02.2025. She was appointed by the Parents.
Mr Constantin Racos was appointed 30.01.24 and will serve until 29.01/2.28. He was appointed by the Parents.
Local Authority Governor
Moji Greenwell is our Local Authority Governor and was appointed 01/09/2021.
Staff Governor
Mrs Yvonne Glynn She was appointed January 2023 and will serve until January 2027 She was appointed by the Staff.
Associate Governor
Robert Haigh appointed as associate governor from 8th November 2021 from Manchester Diocese.
Associate members do not have voting rights in committees or in Full Governing Body Meetings.
Governor Vacancies
One parent governor
Three foundation governors
Instrument of Governance
This document was set on the 8th December 2014. It sets out the nature of the Governing Body and the School.
Point 4 The Governing Body shall consist of:
- a) Two Parent Governors
- b) One Local Authority Governor
- c) One Staff Governor
- d) One Headteacher
- e) Seven Foundation Governors.
Point 6 The term of office for all governors except es-officio governors shall be four years.
Point 7 Those entitled to appoint Foundation Governors are:
- a) the Diocesan Board of Education who appoint one governor
- b) the Parochial Church Council of the Parish appoint five governors
Point 8
- a) the holder of the following office shall be a foundation governor ex-officio
- b) the Principal Officiating Minister
Point 9 The Ethos Statement
Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page for governor attendance and declarations of pecuniary interests.